Gregor Galwas <>:
>  Ok, found the problem - kind of.
>  1. /etc/group was *READ*/write only to root. group/other were totally  
>  forbidden.

Just to verify, are you sure that was /etc/group, or might it have
been /etc/group- (namely its backup copy)?  The latter should be 600.

>  Alsa couldn't read /etc/group and could't check if a user has the right to  
>  play audio
>  -> ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1605:(snd1_pcm_direct_parse_open_conf) The field  
>  ipc_gid must be a valid group (create group audio)
>  2. knotify4 was blocking the sound. I renamed it. Done. Now everything  
>  play fine, even 5.1 sorround-sound is fine.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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