hi ya hershel

On Sun, 31 Aug 2003, Hershel Robinson wrote:

> I have a new machine on order. The more interesting items are:
> Mobo: Gigabyte 7VA KT400 + Sound/AGP8X/DDR400
> AMD Athlon XP 2000Mhz

have lots of nice fans ... at least 3 chassis fans 
  2 by the cpu/power pully  and add one or tw more fans in the front of
  the (midtwoer) case

> My second question is about partitioning for a dual boot with Windows 2000.
> I need the Windows system, at least for now, for work purposes. I also may
> want to store images in a shareable location and I presently have 5Gigs of
> digital pictures on this Win 2K machine.
> My thoughts are to set up:
> 10G Windows 2K system and software
> 10G Shareable data (FAT?)

i'd look at how much windoze disk you're using now 

linux can read/write windoze files ( msdos, vfat ) directly
        - do NOT use linux to edit/delete ntfs files on windoze

        - ie.. if you're using vfat, you wont need the 10G of shared space

- be sure that window is loaded into /dev/hda1

- make a windoze boot floppy .. !!!! it will save your butt one day
        make a dos boot floppy too ( for doing "fdisk /mbr" )

> For the rest, however, I am uncertain. The machine has 256M DDR and I have
> 512M more coming so I plan to make a 768M swap partition. Beyond that, the
> web pages I have found discuss mostly minimums for / /usr /tmp and /home. I
> also read that more than 6Gig can create problems for ext2 partitions. So at
> this point, I'm between those minimums and 6Gig. :)

if it was my machine ...

10GB    /windows        /dev/hda1       - find out how much space you're
                                        using now and double it??

256MB   /               /dev/hda2       - keep small as possible
256MB   /tmp            /dev/hda3       - keep small as possible
                        /dev/hda4       extended partition - not for data
512MB   /var            /dev/hda5       - keep enough for logs
2048GB  /usr            /dev/hda6       - keep enough to load new code
512MB   <swap>          /dev/hda7       - add memory if you need more mem
rest    /home           /dev/hda8       --- maximum space for you ---

move /var/www to /home/www  so that user data is separate from system
/var files

move /usr/local to  /home/local  to keep user stuff away from system stuff

for various flavors of partition schemes and reasoning

c ya

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