On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 06:35:03AM -0400, Hershel Robinson wrote:
> I have a new machine on order. The more interesting items are:
> Mobo: Gigabyte 7VA KT400 + Sound/AGP8X/DDR400
> AMD Athlon XP 2000Mhz
> ATI Radeon 7500 64B/Dual Head
> UDMA 40Gig 7200RPM
> My first question is will I have any difficulty with these hardware pieces?
> My second question is about partitioning for a dual boot with Windows 2000.
> I need the Windows system, at least for now, for work purposes. I also may
> want to store images in a shareable location and I presently have 5Gigs of
> digital pictures on this Win 2K machine.
> My thoughts are to set up:
> 10G Windows 2K system and software
> 10G Shareable data (FAT?)

On the same machine, it's pretty well got to be FAT... but you could
put the shared data on the machine you're using at the moment, under
whatever Linux filesystem takes your fancy, and export it as a samba
share to your new box. NICs are cheap...


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