chombee wrote:


I've noticed that in Debian 5 network manager doesn't automatically
reconnect to wireless networks that it has connected to before, e.g.
after logging in, you have to use the mouse to tell the applet which
wireless network to connect to.

I have a similar issue; I also did a lot of Googling but with minimal

I have this problem on 2 different Dell laptops with Lenny 5x; they both
have to use the b43-fwcutter package for the Broadcom wireless so I've
assumed it is due to the lack of a real Broadcom driver (this might be an
incorrect assumption).  It is pretty random, sometimes it connects 3 boots
in a row, sometimes one boot, before it won't connect the next time.

I thought it might have to do with ifconfig since it must be "up" for any
wireless to work (I think) but it is "up" upon login, since it detects the
wireless signals.  All I could figure is maybe sometimes it gets "up" fast
enough to connect automatically and sometimes it's a bit slower?


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