Bernard wrote:
> Have I got to install one or more Debian packages for PHP ?
> '$apt-cache search PHP' gives too many results for a choice. 

You want to do
# apt-get install php5 php-mysql apache2

Which will also pull in the php5 apache module.
By default, the web pages live under /var/www, the php config file
is /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and the apache config is all
under /etc/apache2/, with apache2.conf being the 'main' config file.

There're several howtos on the net to talk you through it, howtoforge
is a bit of a goldmine for them.

>If the MySQL server and databases end up to the webspace that my Internet
> Provider allows to me, I suppose that the PHP interpreter and/or
> compiler will have to be there, not on my system ?

Interpreter, and yes.
If you want to serve the pages to the outside world, you can do so from
your PC by opening the relevant ports on your firewall.

> Still, I suppose that I must install something locally so as to be
> able to send meaningfull commands using appropriate scripts ? 

If you want to test locally and then upload to your ISP-provided
webspace, you can do that by ftping the .php files. You'll want to know
how their php/mysql environment is configured, though, and configure
yours likewise. Also check database names.
You can transfer database data by 'exporting' it through mysqldump,
uploading the resulting file, and then 'importing' it - the dump is
just a list of the SQL commands required to populate the database.

Avi Greenbury ;)

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