> The USB cable length limit is 5 meters, or 16.4 ft.  To go 100 ft with USB 
> requires a USB balun.  Read about baluns:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balun


 OK, I got your point accross better now. The thing is that I wasn't
really thinking this way about implementing it from a hardware point
of view


 I had in mind using those shielded monitor cables to transfer media
in and out of the multiseat box and monitors do that right now, so it
becomes less of an issue. That may need other type of
hardware/protocols but it is feasible


> 1.   Why are there cable length limits, and what are they?

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus


 Well yes and I never claimed that USB would be the smartest way to go
for larger lengths. In fact multiplexing the signal on the same fat
video cable would be best and it is doable.


> I'll let you research the video signal quality problems of long VGA DB15 or 
> DVI cable runs on your own.


 Thank you I will look into it when I get a bit more
reading/searching/thinking time


> I will say now that the electrical signal drive circuitry on almost all VGA 
> cards is not designed to drive into a load over 50+ ft cables.  Sure, ultra 
> expensive cables can maybe get you to 100 ft without significant image 
> quality loss (but again the cables cost as much as a PC), but to go beyond 
> 100 ft you really need a balun, especially if you're trying to run high 
> resolutions and refresh rates.


 I think 100 ft (30+ meters) is already a pretty long distance


> Apparently you've only looked at my email display name up to this point, not 
> the domain I'm sending from.  ;)


 Well, I won't and I hope you don't belong to the inquisition or its
modern forms ;-) This interchange was good because even if we got
emotional/hyper we kept it to the point/the issue at hand. We just
think differently and I am more hopeful than you perhaps because I am
less of a hardware person ;-)



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