Bret Busby wrote at 2010-01-23 00:03 -0600:
> On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> > 1:
> In trying to follow the [...] instructions for
> the [...] upgrade, [...]
> I am [...] prevented from performing
> the required upgrade from Debian 4 to Debian 5.

Ah, that's better.  All that complaining is rather annoying.

> In following the instructions, and, tring to install the 486 version
> of the kernel, I get a screen that states:
> "Configuring linux-image-2.6.18-6-486


>   As a reminder, in order to configure LILO, you need to add an
> 'initrd=/initrd.img' to the image=/vmlinuz stanza of
>   your /etc/lilo.conf
>   I repeat, You need to configure your boot loader -- please read
> your bootloader documentation for details on how to
>   add initrd images.
>   If you have already done so, and you wish to get rid of this
> message, please put
>    "do_initrd = Yes"
>   in /etc/kernel-img.conf. Note that this is optional, but if you do
> not, you will continue to see this message whenever
>   you install a kernel image using initrd.
>    Do you want to abort now?"

Did you abort?

Do you use LILO?

If so, have you tried editing the lilo.conf file as suggested?

>   As a reminder, in order to configure LILO, you need to add an
> 'initrd=/initrd.img' to the image=/vmlinuz stanza of
>   your /etc/lilo.conf

And then you could edit the kernel-img.conf file as suggested.

>   If you have already done so, and you wish to get rid of this
> message, please put
>    "do_initrd = Yes"
>   in /etc/kernel-img.conf.

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