On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 08:17:32PM +1100, Alex Samad wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 09:56:11PM -0500, Tim Tebbit wrote:
> > Alex Samad wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > 


> > > 
> > > Alex
> > 
> > No not at all. Treat it as any other volume and simply extend it.
> I think you might have miss uderstood me, I don't see any instructions
> on how to resize the luks partition
> I have
> /dev/mapper/vgraid6-luks0
> I then do a cryptosetup luksopne on  the above and mount it as a ext3
> fs.
> so you are saying I can lvresize my luks0 lv and then how do I tell
> cryptosetup that the partitions is bigger ?
I did some more research, amazingly I found more stuff than before...
Seems like cryptosetup has a resize options

so for me

lvresize <partition>
cryptosetup resize <partition>

fingers crossed


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