On Fri,22.Jan.10, 15:38:55, Nima Azarbayjany wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently installed Squeeze on my laptop and most things seem
> to work fine right now.
> I used to add vga=xxx to the kernel parameters line to adjust the
> console resolution but this is now deprecated as a message printed
> at the startup says.  What should be passed to the kernel instead
> of, for example, vga=0x361?  Let me add that I have upgraded the
> kernel to 2.6.32 from sid.

Latest grub in sid now sets "gfxpayload=keep". This means that whatever 
(valid) resolution you set in /etc/default/grub with the GRUB_GFXMODE 
parameter it will be kept also for the linux console.

You can expect it to arrive in testing in about 9 days

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