
I am looking at buying a hardware raid controller, I have been an
advocate of software raid for quite a while, but having run into some
problems running a 10 disk home server, I figure its time to bit the
bullet and buy a good/nice card.

What I am looking at is the ability to monitor the array from within
linux, sort of like mdadm does, so that if/when a drive goes faulty I
will be notified. I would also like to be able to use smartctl on the
individual drives so I can gather information from them whilst linux is

I have been looking at the Highpoint Rocket Raid 3530, this seems to
fit the build for me, but thats from reading the doco.

I was wondering has any one on the list been using these cards ? what is
the management software like and the monitoring 



"I'd rather have them sacrificing on behalf of our nation than, you know, 
endless hours of testimony on congressional hill."

        - George W. Bush
Fort Meade, Maryland

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