Subject: RE: Upgrade to Lenny?
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 05:23:32 +0000

Thank you very much you kind guys . At now , I have the tshark installed on my 
Lenny . But I want to analyze my previously captured 'output.pcap' file , by 
the following :
#tshark output.pcap
Previously , when I was on my Sarge , I modified my /etc/fstab to be eble to 
copy files from cdrom :
/dev/cdrm /mnt/cdrm iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
And I always had the ability to deal with my cdrom . But on my new Lenny , it 
cannot get through and it returned as :
'wrong fs type, bad options, bad superblocks on /dev/hdc'
Can you please let me know how to modify it ?


Sorry . I found my mistake . It was '/media/cdrom' . Sorry for posting the 
previous message . But you guys told me that for analyzing by wireshark , I 
need to issue as the following :

#wireshark output.pcap

But as I have installed just the Base System installation on my Lenny (becuase 
of lack of sufficient Internet bandwidth for downloading) it is returning as :

'cannot open display'

Can you please let me know how can I make use of wireshark to analyze my 
output.pcap file just in command line prompt ?


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