green schreef:
>> ok, does it help if i have another machine where i can mount both the
>> old laptop drive and the newer laptop drive and then do a copy
>> everything from old to new and still retain a working machine?
> You need a separate Linux, ideally.  So you can use a different computer with 
> Linux available or boot from LiveCD on your ThinkPad (I suppose your X61 has 
> no 
> CD drive).
Probably the easiest way is to get yourself a usb 2.5'' sata case. Get
the old drive out of your laptop and put the new one in. Boot with a
live cd (knoppix, debian) and make the partitions to your liking on the
new drive. Then, mount both drives and do a cp -a /media/olddrive
Finally, chroot to /media/newdrive, do a grub-install /dev/sda (or
whatever other device your new drive is mounted on), and check that if
you have a swap partition the pointers in /etc are still okay. When
done, reboot. If things fail, you'll always have your old drive as a
safe backup.


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