To Pasi:

        Sound has worked without any particular intervention - straight ALSA.
I don't do anything complex with the sound system, though.
As far as the video - while I'm presently using a custom-compiled kernel, I'm fairly sure I was getting the same rates with the stock 2.6.32 kernel
available in 'testing'.  I got a private e-mail telling me how I could do
much better with a separate card - and I'm sure that's true.  But [a] I'm
not a gamer - so I don't really need super high rates - it is perfectly good
enough for rotating 3-d math plots or views of devices; and [b] the low power
consumption is important to me.
        Having a quiet machine is great!

To Stan:

        I don't upgrade my computers very often.  The last time I did, network
cards seemed pretty much all operable with Linux drivers - including RealTek.
This has been a real disappointment to find that something has gone backwards
as far as Linux compatibility.


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