Johan Kullstam put forth on 3/27/2010 9:14 AM:

> Pretty much all motherboards come with realtek ethernet.  It's well
> night impossible to avoid.

That statement is absolutely false.  There are plenty of mobos on the market
with Broadcom, Intel, Marvell, nVidia, Via, and other ethernet on board.

If you'd have said "Pretty much all _cheap_ motherboards come with Realtek
ethernet" I'd be more inclined to agree with you.  However, I've seen a $55
($40 after rebate) ECS board on Newegg with Broadcom ethernet on board, so
not even all cheap boards use Realtek ethernet chips, although _most_ do.

Hitting $75 USD and climbing up from there you'll see many more boards with
non Realtek ethernet.


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