On Sat,10.Apr.10, 11:38:08, Merciadri Luca wrote:
> Andrei Popescu wrote:
> >
> > It doesn't matter. Mixing apt-get and aptitude is not a problem anymore.
> >   
> Sure? How can you state this? Any proof? I always thought that they were
> incompatible.

I'm not sure what I can do to prove that something doesn't exist. I 
could for example post the console output of:

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# aptitude safe-upgrade

(using apt-get do a partial upgrade and letting aptitude finish the 

but I'm not sure how relevant this is. Sure there are differences in 
*behavior*, but I'm not aware of any recent incompatibilities. If you 
find any such incompatibilities please do report them as I'm sure both 
the developers of apt and aptitude would like to know about them.

[1] 'aptitude safe-upgrade' installs new packages while
'apt-get upgrade' doesn't, but this is both expected and documented 

[2] and in case you're wondering, yes, I just did that on my sid 
machine, but the console output is rather long.

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