Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Merciadri Luca dijo [Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 05:32:51PM +0200]:
> Thing is, PDF is a printing-oriented format. It is a close descendent
> of PostScript, a full-fledged programming language, but geared towards
> printers. The main point that makes PDF a more convenient format is
> that Acrobat made a big campaign to distribute its PDF reader program.
As you say.
> As you quote, others have told you the PDF-provided security is
> fake. It is just a flag flipped to tell the reader program to pretty
> please make life miserable for the user.
Yes, but it is often sufficient to prevent _beginners_ from hacking the
whole stuff.
> What do you want to achieve with this _real_ protection you say?
See my other messages. I am/was encountering a special situation.
> Whatever can be displayed on screen can be captured (i.e. with the
> common "PrtScr" keybinding in many environments). If you want to
> distribute material and make it hellish to your users to print it,
> copy from it or use it in any useful way, why don't you send the
> document as a .jpg file?
With such files (.jpg ones) they can print it directly, can't they?

Merciadri Luca
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When making your choices in life, do not forget to live. (Samuel Johnson)

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