Hi all,

Recently, I noticed that the date format in the output from "ls -l" has
changed in squeeze. Before, it used the ISO standard (2010-05-29 20:00)
but now it's started printing "May 29 20:00" or "May 29 2009" if it's
not the current year.

My locale, which hasn't changed in years, is en_US.UTF-8. If I run ls
with LC_TIME="ja_JP.UTF-8", I get the ISO format, so ls is still capable
of displaying it.

Two servers running lenny and a box running Ubuntu 10.04, all with the
en_US.UTF-8 locale, display the ISO format.

I suspect it's coreutils' fault, because while the version of the
locales package is about the same in Ubuntu and Debian (2.11 and 2.10),
coreutils is significantly newer in Debian (8.5 compared to 7.4).

Can anyone else confirm this issue? Is it a bug or a feature? How can I
get ls to print the ISO date format again?


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