On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:13 PM, ABSDoug <absd...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1st, tried to do "Installing Debian GNU/Linux via the
> Internet"(debian-504-i386-netinst.iso) but could not connect to wireless. At
> the time I did not have physical access to the router, but that can be done
> now if necessary.
> 2nd, tried the big DVD image (debian-504-i386-DVD-1.iso). Tried to run GUI,
> no go. Tried to install Gnome & got E: coundn't find package Gnome.
> That's where I'm at so far. TIA.

The dvd installer includes Gnome in the installation unless you tell it not
too, maybe your installation didn't work correctly?  Have you md5
checksummed your dvd download?


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