On Du, 14 nov 10, 20:27:15, Celejar wrote:

> The problem was fixed in a newer version of audacity, and Marillat, who
> is *extremely* responsive, quickly put that version into his repo, but
> the point is that you'll occasionally bump into things like that, and
> the Debian maintainer response can be a bit offputting - from the
> above report:
> -----
> Above package versions are not official Debian packages.
> Debian unfortunately cannot guarantee compatibility with externally 
> built packages.
> Please use Debian packages, or work with those unofficial package 
> providers to improve their compatibility with Debian.
> Bug hereby closed.  Please do tell us if your experienced problem is 
> reproducible using only Debian packages, and we will investigate 
> further.
> And please do continue to file bugreports - even if this one is judged 
> as "wrong": We really appreciate the feedback!
> -----

Off-putting? I think the response is very nice...

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