On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 02:18:58AM +0530, Narendra Sisodiya wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Petrus Validus 
> <petrus.vali...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >
> > > * Crap theme in 10.x
> >
> > You can change that.
> >
> > > * Madness of ubuntu which is trying to create MAC - OS type look and
> > > feel
> >
> > Two responses:
> >
> > 1-See previous response.
> >
> > 2-I don't think it's that bad, quite frankly.  Apple's interfaces are
> > more attractive than a lot of others out there.  I've always liked the
> > design of their interface.  Very clean and simple.  Honestly I would
> > enjoy using/recreating the Mac System 7 interface.
> >
> >
> I am using gnome from last 2 year, I always see window bar button in right.
> Why they changed to left in lucid ? For me windows 7 and MAcOS theme and
> interface is very crap. I cannot even work on them
In case it's useful to you or any other Gnome user:

I copied and modified the default Ubuntu 10.04 theme with the buttons on
the right.  I'm attaching it, but if the attachment doesn't come through
I'll email it to you.

Untar it and put it in /usr/share/themes.  Of course you shouldn't trust
me if you don't know me, so you can compare it to the default Ambiance
theme like this:

diff -r Ambiance AmbianceRight

Note that I'm far from an expert on Gnome themes, so it's possible this
is a messy hack...


Attachment: AmbianceRight.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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