My computer keeps hanging and timing out when I try to log in, and it hangs
when I log out.  It was ok yesterday when I booted up my computer after the
hurricane, but this morning I tried to run 'sudo tail -f
/var/log/apache/access.log' and sudo hung; it wouldn't respond to ctrl-c, I
had to kill the rxvt window.  I tried a few more times, and the same thing
happened.  Then I tried to ssh into my computer from my parents' computer,
and the login hung.  I ended up trying 2 or 3 times, all of which hung on
login.  Then I tried logging in on normally at a regular text terminal on my
computer and the login timed out after 60 seconds.  So then, just out of
curiosity, I tried logging out of one of the X terminals I had up (I keep 2
X screens running at a time), and the logout is *still* hung after 15 mins.
I can move the mouse, but the blackbox slit is gone and the menu doesn't pop
up when I right-click, so I'm like half-way logged out.
So to recap, I try to log in-- I type my username, hit enter, the prompt for
the password comes up, I type in my password and hit enter, and nothing
happens till it times out-- *if* it times out.  And when I log out, I get
half-way logged out and the logout hangs, but not the whole terminal.

What could be the problem?  Could it be a problem with pam?  A hardware
(like, overheating) problem?

Do you need any more info?


Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

Q:  What's a light-year?
A:  One-third less calories than a regular year.

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