On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 12:26:43AM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> If your machine is that close to overheating that painting the box
> makes it conk out, I think you ought to install some extra fannage.

I have another fan and a spot on the case to screw it in to, but nowhere on
the MB to plug it in.  I  already have a fan in the front of the case, but
there's no place towards the back of the MB to plug in a fan (there is space
in the back of the case, however).  *sigh*

BTW, it apparently wasn't the paint, 'cause I'm having the same prob again.
Time to go shut down again...

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

Money is the root of all evil. Send 20 Dollars for more info.

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