On Mi, 16 feb 11, 18:53:06, Brad Alexander wrote:
> I've kind of ignored this since what I had was working, plus I haven't found
> any docs on it. At some point (lenny?), debian transitioned from monolithic
> files to breaking them up into smaller files in their .d directories.
> Specifically, I wanted to know best practices with /etc/apt/apt.conf and
> /etc/apt/sources.list. I will take each in turn.

As far as I can tell the options in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ are processed 
in order, which means that a later file will override *the same* setting 
made in a previous file (which reminds me I should rename my 00-local-* 
to 99-local-*).

Whether you need to split sources.list and/or apt.conf is really up to 
you. Personally I prefer to have them split into small logical blocks 
and removing a setting or source is as simple as

# git rm apt/../foobar

(yes, I have parts of /etc in git)

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