Interesting little factoid:

My workstation runs sid, and I am seeing something wierd. At 11:16am,
apticron ran on it and I had the expected 109 packages ready to install. I
wanted to wait until I got home to do the upgrade, because one of the
packages was the new kernel.

Well, when I got home and did an aptitude update ; aptitude full-upgrade, of
the 109 packages, all that were there were libavcodec51, login and passwd.

I then added /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99default-release and pointed it to
unstable, and did the command again, and it downloaded the unstable repos
and the huge list of updates were back. Timing or adding that file? I'm not
sure. But...In doing research before posting this, I saw a post on saying that aptitude only used ~/.aptitude/config and
/etc/apt/apt.conf. This is apparently no longer the case.


On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Andrei Popescu <>wrote:

> On Mi, 16 feb 11, 18:53:06, Brad Alexander wrote:
> > I've kind of ignored this since what I had was working, plus I haven't
> found
> > any docs on it. At some point (lenny?), debian transitioned from
> monolithic
> > files to breaking them up into smaller files in their .d directories.
> > Specifically, I wanted to know best practices with /etc/apt/apt.conf and
> > /etc/apt/sources.list. I will take each in turn.
> As far as I can tell the options in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ are processed
> in order, which means that a later file will override *the same* setting
> made in a previous file (which reminds me I should rename my 00-local-*
> to 99-local-*).
> Whether you need to split sources.list and/or apt.conf is really up to
> you. Personally I prefer to have them split into small logical blocks
> and removing a setting or source is as simple as
> # git rm apt/../foobar
> (yes, I have parts of /etc in git)
> Regards,
> Andrei
> --
> Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:
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