Since I'm looking for a job as a Linux IT consultant, I need a portfolio of 
favorite server applications - firewall, DHCP server, mail server, print 
server, etc.  Just as I have favorite distros for the desktop (Puppy Linux, 
Linux Mint, antiX/Swift Linux) and favorite desktop applications (like 
OpenOffice and Sylpheed), I should have favorite server applications.

I can tell you about one application I don't like: the Firehol firewall 
program.  It's pre-installed in antiX Linux.  Every time I boot up or start 
this program, I get an error message about  I did a Google search 
and tried some of the suggestions I found but still couldn't get Firehol 
working properly.  I'd rather use something that doesn't require so much 
tweaking.  I'm looking for an alternative for Swift Linux (, 
the distro I started).

I'd like to hear what you use and why.  Some of the criteria I'm looking for 
1.  Security: Any client I work for will need a very secure system, ESPECIALLY 
one that does financial work, does business over the Internet, or has 
intellectual property.
2.  Stability and reliability: Since a downed server affects the whole company 
and not just one employee, I understand this is of paramount importance as well.
3.  Popular: If an application is widely used, then there's more help 
available, and the more likely the Debian developers are to support it.
4.  Consistent from one version to the next: Since I'm obligated to keep 
everything up-to-date for clients, I want an application that doesn't change 
that radically from one version to the next.  I know better than to expect a 
smooth upgrade process for even Debian Stable, much less other distros.
5.  Well-supported by the Debian developers: I don't want to use a particular 
application, only to find when I upgrade that it's no longer supported.
6.  Easy to use: This criteria is the reason I don't use minimal Debian on the 
desktop.  Of course, I may have to make some sacrifices on this criterion in 
favor of more of the above.
7.  Lightweight operation: I want something reasonably lightweight, but I'm 
willing to compromise on this criterion in favor of more of the above.

Jason Hsu <>

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