On Monday 28 February 2011 14:42:41 John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> That is ultimately what led us to Debian. It has been our first major
> experience with Debian and we have been quite pleased with it as the
> best balance for a desktop OS thus far when we combine stable,
> backports, and occasional bits from testing with a well designed
> preferences file.  Very, very interested in other thoughts - John

I run multiple Debian systems that have stable/testing/unstable/experimental 
and all the add-ons volatile/backports/security/updates/proposed updates.  I 
use a preference file that keeps me with stable+security+volatile/updates 
mostly and for the times when I want something out of one of the other 
repositories tracks upgrades so that I get security updates in a timely 

I use unattanded-upgrades with a lightly massaged configuration, one custom 
one-line cronjob, logcheck plus a tiny bit of custom logcheck rules, and a 
good tripwire policy to keep them up-to-date and provide baseline reporting.  
It would take some effort, but not much, to extend this to 100 systems.  At 
that point, a new stable release would take a lot of effort to manage.

Throw in nagios and a bunch of custom rules, determine a process for managing 
the stable upgrade including more automation, tie all of that into a ticketing 
system that includes a mass of scripts to pre-analyze the reports and will 
reduce communication overhead (since you'll need more that 3 administrators at 
that point) and you can probably scale to 1000, maybe more depending on how 
similar the systems are.  Administrators will be remote for virtually all of 
these systems, have a plan for accessing each system when it's primary network 
connectivity is down and going no-site if absolutely necessary.

Beyond that point, the number of administrators gets too large, and you'll 
certainly start running to to too many slightly different configurations / 
configuration sets.  Specialization and division of responsibility are key 
here, and SELinux or AppArmor should be added to the environment to enforce 
divisions of responsibility so no one team is stepping on another.  Debian 
security is good, but your organization likely has quite a large vulnerability 
cross section; your own security team should be doing active penetration 
testing on your own systems, monitoring disclosures, and helping the Debian 
security team, particularly testing fixes to see if they introduce regressions 
and testing exploits to see if they affect (your) Debian systems.

At all stages, particularly when using Debian, your administration staff needs 
to be encouraged to interact with the community around issues they encounter 
and to contribute as much as possible so that your system diverge as little as 
possible from the well-tested releases.  Even if your business is software, it 
is unlikely to be providing a UNIX-like OS; whatever "IP" is produced by your 
administration stuff is not a competitive advantage in your market, so it is 
better to share and integrate it than it is to maintain it on your own.  Many 
FLOSS projects are slightly averse to breaking someone's working setup if they 
know it exists and contributors will often provide backwards compatibility 
and/or detailed migration instructions if they know there's a need for it.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net                  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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