Erwan David put forth on 4/22/2011 12:40 PM:
> On 22/04/11 19:34, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> I did my first server upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze the other day and
>> dbus-daemon was installed automatically.  Dbus is strictly for desktops
>> isn't it?  Is this necessary on a headless server?  Can I safely remove it?
> aptitude why dbus tells me avahi-daemon depends on dbus. And I use avahi
> to publish afp (netatalk) and ssh services...

That doesn't really answer my question.

~$ aptitude why dbus
i   libdbus-1-3 Recommends dbus

~$ aptitude why libdbus-1-3
i   dbus Depends libdbus-1-3 (>= 1.0.2)

It appears my only dependency is circular.  Aptitude says both are
optional and not installed automatically.  But, considering dbus was not
part of my Lenny system, nor Etch before it, it sure seems that it was
automatically installed by the Squeeze upgrade.

So, my question stands.  Does (headless) Squeeze need the dbus-daemon
for something that Lenny did not, or can I safely remove it?


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