On Lu, 16 mai 11, 19:55:43, Borden Rhodes wrote:
> I've tried 'sudo service network-manager restart' and 'sudo service 
> networking 
> restart' thinking that maybe it's choked and needs restarting.  Neither of 
> those work, though.  When I 'sudo reboot', everything works again.  So, what 
> am I doing wrong or what should my bug report say?

What do you mean by "neither of those work"? There is no output, there 
is not error or the problem is not fixed? FWIW I prefer invoking the 
script directly (which will also take advantage of automatic completion 
if I don't know the script name[1])

/etc/init.d/network-manager restart

[1] yes, I know about bash-completion, but AFAIR it's not installed 
and/or activated by default

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