On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 02:52:12AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 08:26:32AM +1200, cr wrote:
> > I appreciate that dselect is only part of the install process, albeit the 
> > largest part timewise if one uses it. 
> You don't have to, though.

Yeah, but what are the choices?

Run tasksel (y/n)? (frequently too coarse)
Run dselect (y/n)? (we all know about this one :-) )
Do it by hand afterwards - somewhat inconvenient and daunting for a
new user

...and as cr says, the risk of premature termination and the lack of a
'back' option are big minuses. Though I hate to say it, the lack of
'back' options to correct a damnwrongbutton is one area where Debian
tends to lose to M$. We all kit the wrong key sometimes.

> > What makes it frustrating is that, 
> > while working through the huge list of apps in dselect (which isn't the most 
> > intuitive piece of software ever written  ;)
> No software is intuitive, it's all learned.  The only intuitive
> interface is the nipple, the rest is in your head.

Yeah, but trying to cope with dselect's interface for the first time
with nothing but its own somewhat terse help screens for assistance is
a well-worn rant.


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