Lisi wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > After you clean up your disk space I would install xdu as a package.
> > Then clean up your ~/bin/xdu version as a final step since you won't
> > need it anymore.
> Thank you, Bob, for going to so much trouble to help me.  As I keep saying - 
> possibly to the point of tedium? - I really appreciate all the help I'm 
> getting.

Since you seem to have disk space now you should take a quick moment
and install xdu.

  # apt-get install xdu

Then it will be available for next time.  Visualization of disk space
usage is really useful!

  # du -xk / | tee /var/log/du-xk.out

  $ xdu /var/log/du-xk.out


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