Lisi wrote:
> My / does not contain /home, which is on its own large drive.
> hda1 is /, hda2 is swap.
> My / has been trundling along at around 30% full for years.  Now it has 
> suddenly filled up completely.  The most likely explanation is that I 
> accidentally copied a large directory, say, /home onto hda1.  This has 
> happened before, but it has been easy to find and put right.  This time I 
> can't find it.  I daren't just wholesale start deleting things on /, and even 
I like the 'xdu' command for visualizing where disk space is
consumed.  Unfortunately if your system is too full to install it and
if you don't already have it then you will need to work a little bit
to get it.  But it is only a single binary executable, very simple,
and doesn't need anything else.  The simple but long running way:

  du -xk / | xdu

Depending upon how much data 'du' has to churn through that could take
a while to run.  I typically keep a copy cached from a nightly cron
job that runs it daily.  Then it is always quickly available to me.
If you have space in /home on a second disk then to avoid the long run
without feedback I would cache a temporary copy there and run from
there.  It is just more pleasant to see that it is making progress and
to have a file to run from repeatedly than the one above.  YMMV.

  du -xk / | tee /home/du-xk.out
  xdu /home/du-xk.out

Click the mouse left button on the areas to explore.  It is somewhat
interactive.  Simple.  But quite useful.


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