First of all, I am not very experienced and use the i686 architecture,
but what I did might help:

I've put a variety of partitions on the 2 disks I use for the purpose
of dual booting. One holds the filesystems etc. for the other OS,
intended for legacy applications that I still use... may use.

I've made the first partition of Debian 6 as single partition of
512MB, to be mounted as /boot.
One of the next primary partitions is set up exactly the same on both
disks, to be used as sRAID devices.
After partitioning, I've set up software RAID using those 2
partitions. mdadm is used for management, and it simply works;
increased read speeds, no errors.
The only thing one might be slightly worried about is gparted not
recognising the filesystems, but e2fsck and similar tools appear to
work as usual.

Hope it helps..

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