shiyao ma wrote:
> I used to edit /etc/environment and add export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8.
> Now It doesn't work.

Debian keeps moving the location to set locales around.  It is no
longer in /etc/environment.  It is now either /etc/default/locale for
the entire system or your own personal files for just yourself.

> When I have logged into XFCE4, the output of locale -a is
> Later, I edited /etc/default/locale, adding one line: export
> LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8. However, the locale is still LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8.
> I also did that in /etc/profile, and  failed either.

Did you remember to log out and log back in again so that it will take
affect?  Also after logging out you will need to restart lightdm in
order to have it take affect.

> I am now curious about the way the system source *.sh in the boot up
> session.
> My question is :What's the proper way of setting LC_CTYPE?

For every process in the system it is /etc/default/locale.  For just
yourself you can put it into your ~/.bashrc file.

> (Plus, if I add export LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 in /etc/default/locale, it will
> work, but this is not what I want.

I think you must not have restarted lightdm in between changing that file.

> Further more, I think the file /etc/default/locale shouldn't be
> edited, as it is generated by the software and maybe overwritten.)

It is a conffile.  Meaning that you are allowed to edit it and your
settings will be respected.  It is okay to edit that file.


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