Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > There are customizations that can be done to make shells login shells
> > or to have the entire xsession run from a login shell.  (I think
> > making .xsession run as a login shell is the best solution.  I have
> > posted about it several times before.)  But by default adding
> > variables to /etc/profile won't in your shell environment.  And
> > neither will it show up for any applications launched from the desktop
> > menu.
> Works at least for gdm2 and slim, but not for lightdm. See #636108 for 
> more info and also a workaround (source .profile in .xsessionrc)

Thank you for that bug reference.  I have to agree that ~/.profile is
for lowest-common denominator shells (POSIX shells) and not usually
for any other purpose.  The problem of having one single location for
setting shell variables has been a problem for a lot of years.  here
is one such bug from 2004.  Note that even though it was eventually
closed with an upload that it wasn't actually fixed.

Debian's Xsession sourcing $HOME/.xsessionrc seems to be new since the
above bug discussions.


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