Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > for any other purpose.  The problem of having one single location for
> > setting shell variables has been a problem for a lot of years. 
> ...and there doesn't seem to be any interest to fix it :(

Unfortunately no.  And I think (due to the FAQ entry) that the KDE
folks actively didn't want to fix it.  Because it kept them separate
from bugs in people's .profile.  A bug in your .profile could prevent
you from logging into the system.  And then people file bugs about it
when it is completely self inflicted.

> > is one such bug from 2004.  Note that even though it was eventually
> > closed with an upload that it wasn't actually fixed.
> > 
> >
> Well, having all Display Managers source ~/.profile is a sort of 
> solution, but not all maintainers agree. OTOH, introducing yet another 
> file be sourced would make the solution even more complicated.

And even I don't agree with that.  I don't want ~/.profile sourced in
a hard coded way.  SuSE did that, and also redirected all errors to
avoid the noise when non-posix shell syntax was used.  That was adding
a workaround to the workaround and the workaround introduced new bugs.

I want there to be a "login shell" in the execution path.  Then the
login-shell will Do The Right Thing.  If it is bash then it could
source the .bash_profile but if it is sh then it will only source the
.profile.  And if it is (horrors) csh then it could source the .login
file instead.  Red Hat got this right and that is what they do in
their X startup environment.

> > Debian's Xsession sourcing $HOME/.xsessionrc seems to be new since the
> > above bug discussions.
> I seem to recall it happened during the squeeze release cycle.

Good to know.  I wasn't tracking this problem during that time, was
earlier, but slept through that period. :-)


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