Le 25 janvier 2012 18:10, Sven Joachim <svenj...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> On 2012-01-25 18:04 +0100, Rémi Moyen wrote:
>> I am also guessing, based on this (why didn't I think about that
>> earlier?) that in the 3.1 kernel, my card is supposed to be supported
>> by nouveau, hence it tries to use it (and this causes all my problems)
>> whereas in 2.6.32 it doesn't even try to use nouveau and falls back to
>> vesafb or something like it, hence it still manages to display
>> something. Does this makes sense, or is this gibberish?
> It makes sense, but since you seem to have the problem even with
> "nomodeset", it might not actually be the cause.

OK, actually... it does seem to work now!

What I did is, I booted with the 3.1 kernel, remotely logged in,
checked that nouveau was blacklisted (by an nvidia-smthg file in
/etc/modprobe.d), ran depmod & update-initramfs, then rebooted. At
that point, I still had the problem. dmseg was however indicating that
it was loading the nvidia module, and there was absolutely not a
single line implying that nouveau was used in anyway.

Then I tried again to pass nomodeset to the kernel, and... it worked!
The system boots correctly, I get my login prompt, it says it is using
the nvidia module. I am now installing X to see if that works as well,
but I am reasonably hopeful now!

I could swear that I did try the nomodeset option, especially since
another computer in the house had a similar problem that required a
similar solution (it was a Fedora and for some reason it requires a
rdblacklist=nouveau option in addition to the nomodeset). Well, either
I somehow mistyped that the first time, or maybe some of the other
manipulations (such as installing nvidia, blacklisting nouveau,
running depmod...) were needed in addition to that parameter?

Anyway, I seem to have a running system, so the problem seems solved.

Many thanks for spending some time helping me to get there!

>> Where did you find this information?
> On upstream's wikią there is a link to the relevant kernel commit˛.

OK, thanks for the info.

>> Kernel 3.2 seems to be still in unstable, I'd rather not install
>> something from there if I can avoid it.
> No, 3.2 has been in testing for six days, 3.1 is not supported anymore.

But linux-image-am64 still seems to be in version 3.1 and depends from
linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64? I don't want to nominally install the 3.2
kernel, I only want the latest one, so I think I'll stick to
linux-image-amd64 and wait until that updates to 3.2. Should be quite
soon, I guess.

>> * To blacklist nouveau, there needs to be a "blacklist nouveau" line
>> somewhere in a file in /etc/modprobe.d. The nvidia DKMS package does
>> this (or I did that manually), but apparently this is not enough.
> It is enough to prevent udev from loading the module, but X will still
> try to load it if you don't specify a different driver in xorg.xonf.

Good point. I guess though that now that I have added nomodeset,
nouveau will not be available to X, so it shouldn't even try to load

>> I've yet to try running depmod -ae and regenerating the initrd
>> afterwards, could not doing it be a reason why nouveau is not properly
>> blacklisted?
> Only if you have added the module to the initramfs yourself, which is
> unlikely.  If you see the message "INIT: version 2.88 booting" in text
> mode, your initramfs does not load it.

I certainly have not added it myself. However I don't remember seeing
the message. But on the other hand, some text was flashing on the
screen, much too fast for me to read it. Maybe that was in there?

>> * To completely disable nouveau, I should pass nomodeset to the
>> kernel. I tried doing this by modifying the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
>> (or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX) in /etc/default/grub and then running
>> update-grub, this does not seem to work (then rebooting). Is it the
>> right way to set this parameter?
> If you want to set it permanently, yes.

Well, since it does not really seem to work with the nvidia module
anyway, I don't see any point in keeping it.

Again, thanks for your help! (and to everybody else who helped)
Rémi Moyen

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