Dear Frank:

Maybe my issue is I dont quite get what you are saying. There is no
gconf-editor program. I can see a gconftool program, but dont know how
to enable the Desktop programs to be displayed or even if this is the
right tool.

So, I guess the question is no, we didnt quite deal with this. I would
merely appreciate enough understanding to get to where I can make
gnome classic useful useful in wheezy so I dont have to change
distributions. All the other window managers are worse. This is the
only one close enough to be useful and it is "hobbled".


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Frank McCormick
<> wrote:
> On 03/03/12 12:33 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:
>> Dear Kai:
>> I am the OP and you are correct. The issue is that after doing the
>> wheezy update, all the desktop icons are missing, that is, those items
>> defined in ~/Desktop for the normal user do not appear anymore and I
>> am trying to get back to seeing them on the desktop with "gnome
>> classic" at this point. I see the same effect with just "gnome", only
>> there are other things which bother me, but for now, I am trying to
>> understand how the display of items in the users home directory
>> ~/Desktop/ which all still exist and are displayed with other window
>> managers have disappeared in "gnome classic".
>> I do have a "gnome-panel" panel and I can manipulate it to some
>> extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
>> desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other
>> goodies.
>> The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
>> navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
>> Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
>> and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
>> click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.
>> I would expect that the window manager should read the users
>> ~/Desktop/ directory as it has before, so my question two goes to "How
>> does this work in gnome now?" so I can navigate myself to an
>> understanding.
>> I am also trying to use this as a opportunity to understand the window
>> manager a bit more. I am a software developer and have worked in Linux
>> for many years, but have not dug into the details of window managers
>> as all my work is in developing embedded designs with ARM, PowerPC,
>> MIPS, so I am a user of desktops but not a developer of desktops.
>  Didn't we just deal with this ? If you're running gnome-classic, the
> desktop icons are handled by nautilus. Gnome 3 doesn't
> have desktop icons
> --
> Cheers
> Frank
> --
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Charles Krinke

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