On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 10:24 AM, Raffaele Morelli <
raffaele.more...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2012/3/4 Darren Crotchett <deb...@crotchett.com>
>> I am going to clearly remark as much as possible for the benefit of
>> anyone who may find this page later.  See my inline replies/comments.....
>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Kelly Clowers 
>> <kelly.clow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 05:53, Darren Crotchett <deb...@crotchett.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Can you elaborate on what you mean by "it just needs to be setup
>>> correctly"?
>>> > I'm going to be working on this issue today.  Before I install the
>>> > applications that Raffaele recommended, I want to give Pulseaudio one
>>> more
>>> > chance because I would rather figure out the problem than to
>>> circumvent it.
>>> > OTOH, I don't want to fight a losing battle either.
>>> So, I originally setup mine based on the PA wiki's "Perfect Setup".
>>> It is rather
>>> extensive and a lot of the stuff in there is from a time when there
>>> was less support
>>> for PA.
>>> Here are the essentials:
>>> Edit /etc/asound.conf (for all users) or ~/.asoundrc (per-user)
>>> I have only these two entries in mine:
>> Neither of these files existed.  I didn't care about a per-user setting,
>> so I just created an /etc/asound.conf and added the recommended lines below.
>>> pcm.!default {
>>>    type pulse
>>> }
>>> ctl.!default {
>>>    type pulse
>>> }
>>> Make sure you are in the groups "audio", "pulse-access" and "pulse-rt"
>> I used vigr and vigr -s to edit the groups.  My user was already in
>> "audio". I added it to "pulse-access" group.  And, I did not have a
>> pulse-rt group.  I did not create the group.
>>> Make sure that Pulse is being run automatically at startup (it should be,
>>> I just remember when it was not, and I had to set it up myself).
>> It was already starting automatically with /etc/init.d/pulseaudio
>>> ---
>>> The setting of the alsa default to pulse should make most things work,
>>> but personally I set a number of things to PA explicitly. At least some
>>> of these
>>> used to be required (they did not automatically use pulse and avoided the
>>> alsa default or similar). Nowadays that may not be the case, I don't
>>> know.
>>> Also they may have a PA driver that is different from the alsa driver,
>>> and
>>> may work better than redirected alsa.
>>> in ~/.mplayer/config: ao = pulse
>>> in ~/.xine/config: audio.driver:pulseaudio
>>> in ~/.vlcrc or ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc: aout=pulse
>>> in /etc/libao.conf: default_driver=pulse
>> I did not have the mplayer or xine config files above files.  So, I
>> created them and add the recommended lines.  I had the ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc.
>>  The aout directive was present, but was commented out and had no value.
>>  So, I set it.  I changed the /etc/libao.conf from default_driver=alsa to
>> default_driver=pulse.
>>> for gstreamer:
>>> gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosink
>>> pulsesink
>>> gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosrc
>>> pulsesrc
>>> gconftool-2 -t string --set
>>> /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/musicaudiosink pulsesink
>>> gconftool-2 -t string --set
>>> /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/chataudiosink pulsesink
>> I ran the gconftool-2 commands.
>>> KDE's Phonon uses vlc, mplayer or gstreamer, so the above should cover
>>> that as well
>>> SDL (used for some games) can be set to explicitly use PA with:
>>> export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse
>>> (needs to be done in a startup script like ~/.bashrc to be permanent)
>> I added the export to the .bashrc.  I also executed it at the command
>> line so I didn't have to log out and back in.
>> I restarted pulseaudio with: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart
>> This did not seem to work.  So, I rebooted.  This seems to work.  I was
>> able to play a movie with sound on VLC, Minecraft and Skype all at once
>> without breaking anything.
>>> As far as I remember that is about it. As I said, setting those
>>> explicitly
>>> may not be needed anymore, I just don't know.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Kelly Clowers
>> Thank you so much for sticking with me.  I appreciate everyone's
>> comments.  I hope that someone with find this thread useful in the future.
> Just to clarify with Kelly about what "complicated" stands for :-)
> IMHO you are going to get what you want in two steps:
> killall pulseaudio && aptitude install jackd qjackctl
> regards
> -r
> --
> *L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
> all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
> protesta violenta e viscerale.*

Thanks for posting.  The were 2 reasons that I went with PA, neither of
which were because I thought installing jackd might be complicated.  The
first reason was because PA was installed by default.  Unless I have a
particularly good reason (like nVidia drivers) I try to stick to "out of
the box" as much as possible because it seems to help prevent future issues
related to updates and upgrades.  The other reason was because I was hoping
to finally figure out what I don't understand about sound on Linux.  As I
mentioned in my first post, sound is always an issue for me.  And, somehow,
I always tinker long enough to get it to work.  This time, I hoped to
actually learn something.  I don't really think I did though.

Maybe in the long run, installing jackd would have been an easier and more
manageable solution.

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