On 04/04/12 11:37, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
> The second thing I don not understand it why Grub2 will not keep the 
> screen resolution after the menu has gone. Why does it by default 
> ALWAYS go back to 640x480 even when the menu is shown at a higher 
> resolution?

Grub is essentially an entirely distinct operating system from Linux.
Grub is loaded by the BIOS, it then loads the rest of itself,
and it hands over to Linux when it quits.

When you leave grub (by selecting a menu entry), control of the display
is handed over to the Linux kernel, which will default to a text-mode
display initially (in most cases).

Later in the boot sequence (in most cases) the DRM drivers are loaded
and kernel mode-setting kicks in, which alters the display to a higher

If you want a more consistent display resolution, then grub would need
to instruct the linux kernel to initialise the video display to match
what it used.  This is (I think) not impossible: certainly, prior to
KMS, you could use a framebuffer console, and you could configure its
resolution on the kernel command line. However, I'm not sure how that
stuff interacts with the KMS stuff, so I'd advise not to bother.

Jon Dowland

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