
>> I do not understand the defaults build into Grub2. For instance the 
>> default resolution, it is at 640x480. Which machine running Linux 
>> cannot at least use 800x600? Or is Grub2 made with hendhelds as a 
>> target environment as well?

> Yes - especially those squint-o-vision "widescreen" ratio netbooks.


>> Right now I have to add a line GRUB_GFXMODE=800x600 to the 
>> /etc/default/grub file each time.

> Modify it then:-
> #update-grub

I know about update-grub, did not think I needed to mention that as it is 
needed for all changes to the grub settings.

> You might want to read /etc/default/grub first... (first line)
Like I wrote, I knew that. ;-)

Bonno Bloksma

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