09.05.2012 21:09, Jon Dowland kirjoitti:
> I didn't check beyond the other person: if they have sigs on their key,
> then it's feasible Mika is joined to a/the web of trust.  Rather than
> try to manually construct such a path,  I fed Mikka's key into pathfinder
> web sites, but his key is not widespread enough, and the ones I tried
> didn't know about him.  I did not rule him out of the web of trust, nor
> prove him in.

Please feel free to put my key on those path finder services (gpg
--keyserver <keyserver of pathfinder> --send-keys 4DB53CFE82A46728.

I'm sorry, but you won't probably find any relation to my key, because

I will now continue this policy,

PS. My name is written with one "k" letter, Mika, not "Mikka".

PS of PS. If anyone happens to visit near this city and want to meet me
to sign my key, that might be possible too, but I don't see any reason
why anyone would be interested about this city.

[Mika Suomalainen](https://mkaysi.github.com/) ||
[gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728](http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt) ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?](http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/WhyDoISignEmails.html) ||
[Please don't send
HTML.](http://mkaysi.github.com/articles/complaining/HTML.html) ||
[Please don't
toppost](http://mkaysi.github.com/articles/complaining/topposting.html) ||
[This signature](https://gist.github.com/2643070) ||

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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