Response coming from the Show Me State. ;)

On 5/30/2012 10:43 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:


Please note Pradeep's last remark after the to-do list:

"Please let know if you need help."

He has far more experience with what he's instructing you to do than
likely everyone on the debian-users list combined, as he does it every
day.  And keep in mind he's the one asking you to do all this in the
first place.  Thus it makes sense to lean on him.

> This is a pretty serious request, I'm willing to try, but I wish
> somebody who has done this recently would share the experience.

Many of us build our own kernels.  But likely few build in out-of-tree
or experimental patches, which is what's being requested of you.

> I found this:

That's a good reference, as is this:

But neither provide a perfect step-by-step guide for precisely what you
need to do here.  And as you've seen both were written assuming the
reader is using a standard (old) 2.6.x Debian kernel, not the much newer
3.2 testing kernel you're using.  And each was written many years ago,
and updated over time, which is why you'll see references to 2.6.18 and
2.6.26 as well as 2.6.32.

> its about rebuilding kernels in the 2.6 era. Are there problems in
> translating this to 3.2?  I can't even get out of the starting gate.
> How to apt-get the kernel source?

The steps will be mostly the same.  The file names, maybe some paths,
and make commands may be different.

> I'm running Debian testing.

Ok, good to know.

> How to get the kernel source?

First find what's available in your repo:

~$ aptitude search linux-source
p   linux-source-3.2          - Linux kernel source for version 3.2
                                with Debian patches

That's from a Squeeze box w/backports repo.  You should see something
similar with testing.

> Here's what I've got now:
> $ uname -r
> 3.2.0-2-amd64
> $ dpkg -l | grep linux-image
> ii  linux-image-3.0.0-1-amd64                    3.0.0-3
>              Linux 3.0.0 for 64-bit PCs
> ii  linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64                    3.2.17-1
>              Linux 3.2 for 64-bit PCs
> ii  linux-image-amd64                            3.2+44
>              Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)

So you'll probably want to do this:

~$ aptitude install linux-source-3.2

That should get you the latest testing (Wheezy) kernel source, 3.2.18-1.
 You're at 3.2.17-1, not far behind.  I'd first ask Pradeep which kernel
version he wants you to apply his patch to, because you currently have
no kernel source on your machine.

It may be worth noting that this level of testing/debugging isn't
typically undertaken by anyone but software developers (kernel or
otherwise), or those non-dev users who spend a good deal of time
frequently building their own kernels.  I build my own stripped down
server kernels from vanilla source about 2-3 times a year and am
familiar with the process, and even I would need some hand holding
during this endeavor, mainly because I don't use modules.  Also note
these debugging exercises can turn into excessive time burners.

My advice, given your lack of recent experience with kernel building,
and the potential for time burn simply trying to learn what's needed to
get up to speed, would be to simply move back to the 3.0.1 kernel with
which your wireless apparently worked ok according to your bug report
entry, and leave the debugging of the more recent Intel driver code to

If you understand what lay ahead of you and are comfortable with that,
soldier on.  If you do, it would be polite to inform Pradeep of your
limited experience in this area, so he understands what will be required
of him while moving forward on this with you.

Best of luck Paul.


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