On Friday October 10 at 06:20am
"David Palmer." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 9 Oct 2003 08:19:17 -0400
> Johann Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thursday October  9 at 11:29am
> > Edward Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > If you need good 100mbps performance under load, you can't go
> > > wrong with Intel. The 3Com 3c905Bs I use in my workstations also
> > > seem to take anything I can throw at them (including trying to run
> > > Q3A X11/OpenGL over a network, just to see if I could ;).
> > 
> > I picked up a 10 pack of 3Com 905B's on eBay for about $50 USD. I've
> > only used a couple so far, but they are my favorite. Work well,
> > every time.
> > -- 
> This sounds like the best option so far, unfortunately I'm working on
> a 1Ghz Athlon, not intel, and the planned migration is to dual
> Opterons when the 64bit smp project matures. Thanks for the input, but
> it looks like the CNet 200 pros are the only show happening for Linux.
> Regards and thanks,

Current system:
AMD 900mhz T-Bird
3com 905b

some others using that some nic:
P2 233
P2 333
486 (Assuming Intel)
AMD K6-2 500

Nothing 64bit, but it works with just about every 32bit I can
think of (and/or have owned).
-johann koenig
Now Playing: Bouncing Souls - Kid : Punk-O-Rama (Vol. 5)
Today is Boomtime, the 63rd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3169
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