On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 01:53:41AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 01:32:00AM -0600, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
> > Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding you, but what you're describing
> > sounds like purposely spoofing your From.  There's a big difference
> > between pushing a mail along to another recipient with the sender
> > intact, and actually *changing* the text of the mail while still
> > claiming that it's from the original sender.
> Nope.  I want to forward messages for abuse-reporting purposes.  It
> would be nice if I could get that extra header as well.

Oh, right. I think you have to do that by hand - copy message to a
temp file and use your editor's insert-file function to pull that into
your abuse report, etc. Or if your abuse report is a standard text, you
could hack one of the spam-reporting scripts that spamcop gives you
(see attachment).


Be kind to pigeons
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