Peter Viskup <> writes:

> there is something like HTML5 already out.
> Try to have a look on and then search for
> HTML5 support for your favorite browser and you will get an answer.

Hmmm.  They are saying I'm participating in a test and seamonkey
supports Video-Tag and WebM (whatever that is) and doesn't support
h.264.  They are saying chromium supports all of it.

How do I get h.264 support in seamonkey?

I'll gladly remove the stupid flash player, I always hated it.  Yet when
I go to [1] for a test, neither seamonkey nor chromium play flash.  Now

Hm and I have installed these xul-ext-* things packages, i. e. adblock,
flashblock and flashgot.  They don't seem to work with chromium, it says
I don't have any extensions.  Are they for other browsers only?  If they
don't work, I can't use chromium.  These adds are too annoying.


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