[changed the subject since it has nothing to do with Wally]

On Ma, 16 oct 12, 09:29:45, Lisi wrote:
> Please, everyone, could _everybody_ stop sending Wally Lepore messages to my 
> npersonal inbox.  It is becoming a real nuisance.  I keep list separately for 
> a reason.
> I realise that you may need to be sure to eliminate my name from the list if 
> you want to "reply all", but if we can break this cycle I am sure that I will 
> not be the only one to benefit.
> I would have thought, in fact, that "reply list" is to be preferred anyway.  
> The Debian Code of Conduct says only to send a copy to an individual if it is 
> expressly requested.

Unfortunately the CoC is ignored a lot in this regard. You could set up 
a filter in Gmail to archive or delete such mails if you are 100% sure 
you don't need them.

Kind regards,
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