On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Lisi <lisi.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 October 2012 10:06:30 Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>> [changed the subject since it has nothing to do with Wally]
> My request does have something to do with Wally, in fact everything to do with
> him.  It is his emails that are generating this enormous number of private
> emails.  He sends private copies to people, and everyone else then just
> clicks on "reply all".  I have belonged to this list for a good many years
> and this has _never_ happened before.  It is specifically Wally's emails that
> I am asking people not to send me.  The list exists for that.

There's an old saying, "Keep your reply short, its most memorable".
Well I feel -in this case- 'short' is not appropriate. And memorable?
Booting Debian was memorable. Truly a most memorable day! You were
most supportive in helping me achieve that mission.

Lisi, I thought we already addressed this matter. It was a simple
email miscalculation. That's all!

You brought this concern to my attention yesterday and I politely
explained what happened. I corrected my mailing-list error, apologized
and moved on. Over and done with.

>He sends private copies to people, and everyone else then just
> clicks on "reply all"

I had no idea it would cause such an issue. I'm sorry about that. I
did it one time! You make it sound like this is my mode of operation.
I did it one time!

I sent the private replies in a small series under the same thread to
'apparently' save time in communication and responding. It was a
mistake. Fixed!

In fact, its very time consuming to have to structure emails in that
fashion and its not something I look forward to. I simply thought I it
would speed things up. It was a simple mistake. Its corrected. Won't
happen again!

Perhaps yesterday, I was not clear and will explain myself once again.

I could not keep up with all the helpful replies (to my questions) and
figured that I would answer all posts by including those who
participated in helping. That's all!  Nothing more. I now understand
that it was not the best way to communicate.

I was made aware of my error, learned much and the rudder of the ship
has been adjusted to steer 'back-on-course'.

It is very difficult and time consuming to try and keep up with all
the helpful replies, type long email responses, ask questions, work at
my job, and meet the needs of my family. All in a single day! Thus to
save time, I thought I could speed up the conversation and move it

I simply wanted to be sure that those few participants in the current
thread were informed of my responses as I was not sure if all were
being read on-list. I thought that was part of the etiquette process.

Leaving replies unanswered (I thought) would not generate future help.
Therefore, as simple as most of my reply have been, it tells those who
have posted that I did -in fact- read their message. That's all.

My questions may seem repetitive due to the fact that over 90% of the
replies have been well above my current threshold of understanding.
This mailing-list includes very intelligent Debian-users and
programmers (like yourself) who are very patient and do their best to
help newcomers. I understand your concern and continue to learn,
comply, remain patient and re-read the replies over and over until I
begin to understand.

I read all your posts in this thread and to be honest I became lost in
all the back and forth details in regards to email-filters, archives,
CC, Bcc etc. My gosh, is there an Acc? :) Too much, too long. I only
have so much space reserved in my brain for confusion and that space
is currently reserved for Linux.

Please let it be known that the debian-user 'code of conduct' is NOT
ignored and IS complied with on a best efforts. Mistakes will
accidentally occur and will be corrected.

Trust me on this one.... I (like all of us) have limited time. I have
been considering installing Linux for years but the down-time in doing
so was not afforded. I finally found the time to get involved and in
doing so, I approach the opportunity very methodically.

I jumped to the other-side of the fence to see what's going on. To
learn about GNU/Linux. Isn't that called Opportunity? Progress?
Knowledge? Sharing?

I am very thorough in my approach and delicately consider every
message before its posted. At times (like all of us) we are exhausted
from working a thread all day, become less proficient and make
mistakes. It just happens at times.

Perhaps it would also be helpful if the debian user-list allowed
editing and deleting of email posts by their respective authors. If
that were available, perhaps I would consider cleaning up most of my
apparent 'redundant' posts.

Your feelings in regards to certain replies from other users have
certainly caused you unwarranted stress. I understand your concern but
let it be known, your reply to my question that said, "just grab the
bull by the horns and do it" was excellent encouragement. As a result,
it forced me to re-think my strategy. I took your advice and moved
intelligently forward. Now I have debian installed. What's wrong with

I am new to the list and simply misunderstood for a brief moment how
the user-list functions. I have it under control now.

I learned a lot from your help and look forward to your continued
support. Your support-answers are very valuable to the user-list. I
consider your help and solutions as 'top-tier' level and look forward
to every reply that you provide.

I'm here to learn GNU/Linux and eventually help and encourage new users as well.

Please consider emailing the debian-user admin and request removal of
this thread that contains my name on the subject line. Not a very
positive way for me to continue in Debian.

Once again, I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience.

Wally     p.s  Helpful hint: In the Debian Squeeze install procedure,
you can       double click on any selection to view further choices
and configuration. Best wishes!

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