On Lu, 22 oct 12, 15:41:48, lee wrote:
> Have you looked at the documentation of mutt?  It talks about mail
> folders.  It also talks about directories.  It cannot rename folders or
> directories and it cannot (re-)move them (the argument is that mutt
> isn't a file manager), and it doesn't really show you a list of the
> folders or directories you have stored your mail in.  You can configure
> it to kinda do that, and when the folders/directories change (like when
> you create a new one or rename or (re-)move one), you either need to
> update the configuration or use some external software to dynamically
> generate a list to use in the configuration.  I call that awkward.
> Again: mutt isn't designed with the concept of folders (or directories)
> in mind.

Here's the snippet I use:

# Use everything that looks like a mailbox in ~/Maildir/
# except the ones explicitely excluded
mailboxes ! + `\
for file in ~/Maildir/.*; do \
    box=$(basename "$file"); \
    if [ ! "$box" = '.' -a ! "$box" = '..' \
                -a ! "$box" = '.debian' \
        -a ! "$box" = '.notmuch' \
    echo -n "\"+$box\" "; \
    fi; \

This is not needed for IMAP. It also understands the concept of 
subscribed folder:

# only show subscribed folders
set imap_list_subscribed

# check all subscribed folders for new mail
set imap_check_subscribed

Kind regards,
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