One other thing to add here - Upon initial connection, TB has no
problems getting the list of messages.  That pops up right away.  It's
only when selecting an unread message that it hangs as described below.
 It flags the message as "read" but never gets off "downloading
message...." until I click another message and then click the one I was
just trying to access, at which point it displays fine.  Clicking
another message (already read) does cause it to open a new connection to
the IMAP server though.  I've been using TB forever (note: this is on a
different computer, not local to the Debian box) and it never behaved
this way prior to the switch to Debian and Dovecot.

So if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them... :-)

David Guntner grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Well, at least not completely.  I've got Dovecot up and running, but for
> some reason, Thunderbird won't work with it quite right.  I'll select an
> unread message, and the header will change in the display, but the body
> doesn't appear - the status bar just says "Downloading message..." and
> it sits there until I select another message and then go back to the one
> I wanted to read, at which point it displays the message.
> Watching the syslog, I can see what's happening when I move to another
> message is that a *new* login connection is being established (without
> closing the old one) with the IMAP server.  After I've moved around
> enough times, the server logs a note saying that I've exceeded the
> number of open connections that I can have and it just stops talking to
> me any further until I close Thunderbird (at which point the log shows
> all the connections being closed.
> It never did this with the IMAP server that I was using on my old system....
> My mail reader in my smart phone works just fine with it, BTW. :-)
> I googled a bit and found a note about setting a Thunderbird work-around
> in the dovecot.conf file and applied that, but it didn't make any
> difference.
> Any ideas what's causing this?  More importantly, any ideas how to FIX
> it? :-)
>                  --Dave

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