Jochen Spieker grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> David Guntner:
>> Thunderbird isn't
>> supposed to be opening a new connection with each message it tries to
>> read; it should just read them with the one connection it has.
> Well, it usually uses more than one connection. I'd still try reducing
> the maximum number of connections it uses:

Well, unless I'm looking at the wrong setting, I've got it configured
for 1.  "Maximum number of connections to cache" in Advanced settings
for the server is currently set to 1.  If there's a different setting
controlling that, please let me know and I'll check it.

>> And prior to Dovecot coming into play, it did just that.
> What did you use before Dovecot? A different IMAP server? Which one?

I'm a Mandriva refugee, newly arrived to Debian. :-)  I was using a
package that Mandriva didn't even include in the last couple of
releases, which was called something like "2006k".  It was on my system
with no new versions, so upgrades just left it there.  I never needed to
get off of it because it did what I wanted - mbox support and SSL.  The
other packages that they were offering all seemed to be Maildir format
stuff, and all my existing mailboxes are mbox.

>> When I try to read
>> an unread message, it just hangs there.  The header area (from, to,
>> subject) changes to reflect the new message, but the body area just
>> stays blank and the status line shows "downloading messsage...." but
>> nothing happens beyond that, unless I click on another message.  The
>> instant I click on the other message (whether in a previously-read
>> status or not) causes a new connection to open up (I'm guessing because
>> the existing one is now hung) and that shows up in the log.
> Ok, so your assumption is that some connections to Dovecot hang for an
> unknown reason and that's why Thunderbird creates new ones? In order to
> debug that, I would increase logfile verbosity für Dovecot (probably
> including authentication logging) and test with TB using one, two and
> even more connections.

Ok, I've just set "auth_debug = yes" - hopefully that will provide some
clues.  As soon as I get some more mail (this is *only* happening with
new mail where it needs to download the body), I'll test it out & see
what I get.  Will report more information here when I've got it.

> No problem. It is just that I didn't know that setting off the top of my
> head.
>>>   imap_client_workarounds = tb-extra-mailbox-sep
>> What they're describing doesn't seem related to the particular problem
>> that *I'm* having, but I figured it couldn't hurt to put it in place.
> ACK.

Is that your way of saying that I should turn that back off? :-)


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